What does Big Small Good offer and who’s it for?

For over 20 years I worked in large corporations, and I’ve always felt that business shouldn’t focus on profit alone. There’s so much more to offer the world with their knowledge, power, and influence.

I needed to know more.

In 2019 I set up my own business and decided to follow the B Corp framework to ensure I was building a business I was proud of and comfortable with. This process taught me a lot and inspired me to also study with Cambridge University on their CISL Business Sustainability Management course (highly recommend it!)

Since then, I’ve become B Corp Certified and learnt so many ways in which businesses, large and small, can go beyond creating profit to creating positive impact on people and planet.

Start ups

When a business is beginning its journey from idea to reality, it’s a time of overwhelm and long to do lists. Founders don’t always have time to think about how to make this new business a responsible and sustainable one. And this is fair, the passion and drive that envisioned the idea is now consumed with building a business. Money is usually at the top of goals - investment, growth, paying the bills. This is where Big Small Good can help, I can create a simple action plan to be implemented in the short and long term which will enable this growing company to succeed in setting and meeting social, environmental, and economic goals.


Small and medium size businesses may have be growing for a number of years and operations have grown and developed with them. Profit is of course still a business priority but maybe there’s now time to consider new social and environmental goals - what’s the businesses impact on people (customers, employees, suppliers) and the planet. I can help SMEs take a breath, pause, and reflect on this question. These goals should reflect the company’s mission and demonstrate their values. We can review together and create a plan of easy to implement actions, and where they’re not easy I can assist. I can also hold you accountable because impact only happens if change happens.

Large corporations

Established companies usually (hopefully) have a sustainability expert or CSR team so the need for Big Small Good may seem small. However, I can still help these departments, or the C suite look at the bigger picture of their industry. What change, conversations or collaborations need to happen to activate new ways of business to alleviate social and environmental risks.

So, if you fancy a chat, let me know 🙂