Marketing or Sustainability?

What if marketing budgets were redirected to targeting sustainability issues instead, would the company still benefit?

I stumbled across this marketing stunt today (see image) and it made me think. Yes, Chanel No. 5 is marking its centennial anniversary this year and yes it’s Christmas, but a bottle the size of a house outside Harrods? Is this really necessary? Let alone the sustainable questions it brings up.

What would happen if companies redirected budgets from marketing pop-ups, giveaways and other activities, and instead focused this spend on improving their sustainability performance. For example, hire designers who can change manufacturing processes to use less carbon or who can consider the lifecycle of a product. Or use the funds to fill financial gaps when business models need to be changed which could cause a short term loss.

Would the consumer see these actions as preferable, would they buy into a committed and action orientated company? Or are we still in a place where big flashy gimmicks are necessary?

I’m not knocking marketeers because they’re talented innovators and I’ve worked in marketing for over 15 years. It’s a creative industry with amazing ideas but maybe we just need to plant the seed of sustainability early on in the thought process.

It would take a brave company to risk diverting marketing budget though because the reward wouldn’t be instantaneous. It would be a long term play where we would all benefit.

What are your thoughts? Do you know anyone doing this?